A rewarding craft to learn, blacksmithing will enable you to not only make and repair useful items for the home and farm but also make tools for gardening, woodworking and even blacksmithing. In fact, blacksmithing is one of the few crafts in which you can make many, if not most, of the tools that you’ll need.
Our introductory class, Blacksmithing I, requires no prior blacksmithing knowledge or skills. In Blacksmithing I and Blacksmithing II you’ll learn the basics of starting and maintaining a coal fire, hammering technique, basics of metallurgy and more as you make and complete your first projects in the forge.
Once you’ve taken our beginning blacksmithing classes, you can choose from our workshop on making tongs (a tool that a blacksmith can never have too many of) or a laminated steel ax. Or, learn how to accomplish more with less effort while bringing your hammer control and forging skills to a new level in our advanced class on forging techniques.
All of our blacksmithing classes are held on-site and offered through The Ploughshare Institute for Sustainable Culture.